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Zoom Embedded in Expo Pass (SDK)
Tracey Straub avatar
Written by Tracey Straub
Updated over a week ago



  • Active Speaker Only!

  • The Zoom Host (the person that started the Webinar and came in via Zoom) has the ability to turn on any Expo Pass Attendee (“EPA”) and make them a panelist. The EPA doesn’t need to actually come into the webinar via Zoom URL.

  • The Zoom Host can mute and unmute Panelists. NOTE: anyone muted, once turned back on will be required to manually turn their audio back on using the Zoom Audio Control in the lower left-hand corner of the streaming window.

  • The EPA Panelist that was invited to join the Webinar can share their screen when coming in via Expo Pass (if the Event Host has this feature activated in their account settings, before the Webinar begins). If you want them to have the ability to share their screen, they need to come in via the Zoom URL.


  • An EPA can send chat to

- Everyone
- Panelists Only All
- Panelists Individually
  • Chat is either fixed to the right-hand side of the panel or can be popped out. If popped out, it will sit on top of the streaming content.

- If fixed to the right-hand side: in default mode, there is a thick black banner underneath the streaming content - making the streaming content window smaller.

- If fixed to the right-hand side: in theater mode, there is a thin black banner on the right and left sides of the streaming content.


  • The Q&A sits on top of the streaming content

  • An EPA can:

- Send/see their own Questions and Answers
- Ask questions anonymously
  • Panelists can:

- Answer the EPA privately
- Answer the EPA publicly - which then makes the question also appear for everyone.


  • Sits on top of the streaming content.

  • All EPA can interact and select answers to Polling questions.



Zoom Host

  • The Meeting Host must initiate the meeting from their Zoom URL

  • Because the Host is coming in via Zoom URL, they can still utilize Gallery View -- but they are the only one that has this view.

  • The Zoom Host has full control of the meeting:

- Has the ability to mute EPA and unmute them.  Either individually or all at one time.  NOTE: anyone muted, once turned back on will be required to manually turn their audio back on using the Zoom Audio  Control in the lower left-hand corner of the streaming window.

- Has the ability to kick people out of the Zoom Meeting. If this is done, the Attendee cannot come back into the same Zoom session via Expo Pass.


  • Active Speaker View Only! No ability for Gallery View for Attendees. They only see the person that is talking.

  • The EPA can share their screen when coming in via Expo Pass if the Meeting Host grants this permission.


  • An EPA can send chat to:

- Everyone

- Privately to any other attendee (Host or EPA)

- Unfortunately, Zoom Chats are all one large thread and do not separate out between "all" and "private." However, "private" chats are noted with a "Private" next to the name.

  • Chat is either fixed to the right-hand side of the panel or can be popped out. If popped out, it will sit on top of the streaming content.

- If fixed to the right-hand side: in "default mode," there is a  black banner underneath the streaming content - making the streaming content window slightly smaller.

- If fixed to the right-hand side: in "theater mode," there is a thin black banner on the right and left sides of the streaming content


  • There is no use for Q&A in a meeting. Use Chat instead.


  • Zoom does not support Polling in SDK Meetings

Breakout Groups

  • Zoom does not support Breakout Groups in SDK Meetings

Attendee Invitations

  • NOTE: Any EPA can invite someone via the session window to join - by sending them the Zoom URL link to the meeting (not via Expo Pass) -- just like they can from the Zoom Web App.

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