ⓘ This article is for Event Organizers
Expo Pass provides the ability to create custom promo codes for each of your registration level through the promo code management tool.
❗ Important: You must complete your registration form before you can create your promo codes.
Set up Promo Codes
If you would like to create promo codes to distribute for registration, there are a few options to consider.
Promo codes are:
System generated code or custom code made by you
Each code can be set to a percentage off or dollar amount off
The codes must have the effective dates for when the promo code is live
Examples of ways to use promo codes for registration incentives:
Take 15% off when you register by “X” date
$20 off to Attendees who are also Exhibiting at the event
$50 Discount for Association members
Access Promo Code Manager:
1. From your event in Expo Pass, click on the Registration section --> Form Overview
2. Click on any registration level
3. Scroll to Additional Details and click on the blue Edit Promo Codes button.
4. A new tab will open to the promo code manager.
5. Click on the registration level you would like to create promo codes for
6. In the top, right corner there are 2 options:
Add Code:
This is how to add promo codes one at a time
This is how to bulk upload promo codes
Add Codes: Manually add codes, one-by-one.
Registration Level: shows which level you are creating the promo code for.
If you select multiple registration levels in the drop down, the code will be generated under each registration level for all values set on creation.
To edit the promo code for other reg levels selected, click on the registration level listed on the left side.
Code: Enter your promo code OR click generate to have a system generated code.
Discount Type: Select if you want a percentage or dollar amount off.
Value: Add the percentage or dollar amount value that the promo code will be worth.
Starts At: Select a starting date for the promo code effective date.
Ends At: Select an ending date when the promo code will no longer be effective.
Usage Type: You can select for a promo code to be Single Use OR Set a Usage Limit
Single Use: This means it can only be used once and will only apply to 1 registrant if there are multiple in a cart.
Set Usage Limit: Enter the number of usages in the next field "Usage Limit".
Selecting 0 will allow the promo code to have an unlimited usage
Apply To: You have the option to select Total Cost or Registration Cost
Total Cost: It will apply to all costs in the cart, including add-ons.
Registration Cost: The discount will only apply to the registration level cost and will not be applied to any add-ons.
When done, click Create Promo Code
Import Codes: Bulk upload codes.
To import codes, you will need a CSV file with the following columns: (If you need a template, click Import in the top right corner -> Download CSV to get a formatted file for uploading.)
Format your CSV file for Bulk Upload
Code: Enter your promo code
Value: Add the percentage or US dollar value that the promo code will be worth.
Discount Type: Type Percentage or US Dollar depending on which type you want for this code.
It must be exactly as listed above with no spaces after the data in the cell
Usage Type: You can select for a promo code to be:
Single Use: This means it can only be used once and will only apply to 1 registrant if there are multiple in a cart.
Set Usage Limit: Enter the number of usages in the next field "Usage Limit".
Usage Limit: Select the number of times the promo code can be used
If you selected Single Use, put 1
Entering 0 will allow the promo code to have an unlimited usage
Starts At: Select a starting date for the promo code effective date.
Enter in format of DD/MM/YYYY
Ends At: Select an ending date when the promo code will no longer be effective.
Enter in format of DD/MM/YYYY
Apply To: You have the option to select Total Cost or Registration Cost.
Total Cost: It will apply to all costs in the cart, including add-ons.
Registration Cost: The discount will only apply to the registration level cost and will not be applied to any add-ons.
Import your formatted CSV File:
Click on Import in the top right corner of the promo code management page.
Select your file to upload and click Import CSV.
A window will open where you can:
Once you are done, click Import.
You will then be able to see all of your promo codes listed in the table. You can delete or edit from this view.
Edit and Manage Promo Codes
You can navigate between registration levels by click on the the levels listed in the left panel.
Click on the pencil of a promo code to edit the values.
Click on the trash can to delete a promo code.
If you uploaded a promo code to multiple levels, you will have to manage and edit those codes within each registration level.