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Exhibitor Virtual Toolkit

Below are a list of the materials that you will need to provide your event organizer for the virtual event.

Kacie Ferguson avatar
Written by Kacie Ferguson
Updated over a week ago

โ“˜ This article is for Exhibitors


If you are an Exhibitor hosting a virtual booth, having sponsorship ads, or speaking for your Event Organizer's virtual event, below are a list of the materials that you will need to provide them.

Exhibitor Session (Booth)

  • Booth Materials (PDF, Doc, Image, Excel) max 10mb: these can be marketing materials, digital business cards, reporting, etc.

  • Video file (.mp4 or .mov less than 5gb) or Live Streaming URL for 1-on-1 meetings: This is for attendees to view, or a streaming link for when you are live in your booth

  • Hex Color Code (if booth/session will be sponsored)

  • Optional Action Button links (must be to a secure site and include https:// or http:// in the URL link)

    • Calendar link, Website for more info, Demo link, Survey link for feedback, etc.

Sponsorship Ad

  • Logo Image 300x300 pixel minimum (1:1 aspect ratio)

  • Banner Image 1600x900 pixel minimum (16:9 aspect ratio)

  • Header (company name or title) and Body text (1 or 2 sentences)

  • Hex Color Code

Key Contact or Speaker

  • First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone Number, Title, Company

  • Headshot that is a 1:1 ratio (min 300x300 pixels)

  • Personal Bio (up to 2000 characters including spaces - no URLs)

  • LinkedIn URL, YouTube URL, Facebook URL, Twitter URL

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