Learn how to upload your Logo in this article!
In the beginning stages of building out your event, you'll want to input your Logo! The logo that you input will be seen in the following places:
Payment Receipt Email
Event Registration Receipt
Registration Confirmation Email
Registration Confirmation (PDF)
Virtual Event Home Page
Expo Pass Mobile App
To get started, here are the steps to get your logo onto Expo Pass:
Log into Expo Pass
Click on your event
When you're in Expo Classic, go to the Event Details
Click on the edit pencil in Event Details next to the date
In the upper left corner next to the Event Name, click on Upload Logo
Upload Logo and you're good to go!
Here are some images to help reference where to go:
Below are examples of where the logo will be seen. The logo is the purple image.
Payment Receipt Email
Event Registration Receipt
Registration Confirmation Email
Registration Confirmation in PDF Form (Registered Attendee is able to download this as a PDF)
Virtual Event Home Page
Event Mobile App