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Creating Sponsorship Ad Bundles

Expo has woven several sponsorship opportunities throughout our virtual platform. We currently feature 4 different types of Sponsor ads.

Kacie Ferguson avatar
Written by Kacie Ferguson
Updated over a week ago

Navigate to and log in to your Expo Pass account.

Click on the Admin Menu in the top left side of the page and select 'Sponsorships'

Click 'Create New'

Please note that this is where you will go to Edit your Sponsorship Bundles once they are created by clicking on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the Bundle.

Enter the basic information for you Sponsorship Bundle:

  • Bundle Name - This is for your naming purposes. It does not appear on the event.

  • Background Color - This is optional. Please use the HEX# when entering the color.

  • Logo - This is a 300x300 minimum pixel image with a 1:1 aspect ratio. Formats include JPEG, PNG, GIF.

  • Banner - This is a 1600x900 minimum pixel image with a 16:9 aspect ratio. Formats include JPEG, PNG, GIF.

  • Header - This is the title or company name for your ad.

  • Body - This is 1-2 sentences that you would like to appear on some of the ads.

  • URL - This is the URL link that you would like attendees to be directed to when they click on the ad. This URL must include the http:// or https:// for it to work.

When you are finished, click 'Next'.

The next screen allows you to preview what all 4 of the Sponsor Ad types will look like. You can edit any of the items you've entered on the previous screen while previewing.

The Native Display and Banner Ads can feature multiple ads which rotate carousel style every 4 seconds to allow your attendees quick access to each designated sponsorship.

The 4 types of ads are:

  • Native Display Ads

  • Native Session Ads

  • Banner Ads - select a focal point on your banner. The system will use this to always focus on that point in your ad.

  • Sponsored Session

When you are done editing/ previewing, click 'Next'.

The next page is where you select where you would like to have your ads "on".

Native Display Ad:

This ad only displays on the 'Event Home' page at this moment. Please disregard the 'Login Screen' and 'Home Screen' options, as they are not available in V1.

Native Session Ad:

This ad is displayed within your Sessions list on the schedule.

Click on the Green Plus Sign, select the Date and Time where you would like this ad to live within your schedule.

Banner Ad:

This ad will only display the Banner image with the URL that you selected. It does not include the Header or Body. The Banner ads appear on your 'Event Home' page as well as your 'Session List' page. Please disregard the 'Login Screen' option, as it are not available in V1.

Sponsored Session:

Sponsors can be the sole ad for a Session. Their logo and banner ad will be the be displayed on the Session list as well as within the Session.

Click on 'Search' and select which Session(s) you would like this Sponsor to have.

You have now set up all of your different Sponsor Ads for this Sponsor. Click 'Save'.

The ads will automatically be set to a 4 second carousal style display on the Native Display and Banner ads where you have assigned multiple Sponsors.

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